Russian Anthropological
Film Festival
Northern Travelling
Film Festival |
Aricles by Vladimir GolovnevVladimir GolovnevVladimir Golovnev graduated Historical Department of Omsk state University in 2004. In 2005 he received the diploma of Independent School of Cinema and TV "Internews" in speciality "Stage direction". E-mail: Expressionism. German Mood of cinematogfaphyNobody knows exactly when expressionism was born. Its features may be seen on neolithic monuments, in Greek Antiquity and Middle Ages, and in modern art. Undoubtedly, expressionism as self-suffisient art movement is historical phenomenon. It appeared under a set of economic, politic and cultural factors of German life of the beginning of the XX century... |
620078 Russia, Ekaterinburg, Gagarin Street, 35/a–47
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Made in “Softmajor”
Ural State University | Anthropology and Ethnology Institute by N.N. Miklukho-Maklay | Films from the Far North |